Quote of the week

The RAF was a comparatively tightly organised, high tech force, by and large with more modern equipment and operational command techniques than the Navy, and more so the Army. One consequence was that they were able to collate and distill information fast for their own purposes.

The upshot was that they had more up to date PR to hand on a regular basis.

Thanks to old_rat Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:41

Monday, 27 February 2012

They often say that you get the Politicians and the Journalists you deserve. The past few days have brought the opposing poles of the world of British journalism in to sharp focus.

The Leveson enquiry continues, but Charlotte Church's settlement at the High Court today continues to highlight the gross corruption of individuals inside both the media and parts of Government. This is indeed a cancer in our society.

Contrast these tawdry hacks then with another employee of the News International group, Marie Colvin

(C) Daily Telegraph
How could one ever start to imagine that someone capable of enduring such hardship and making the ultimate sacrifice in the name of truth, could have the same profession, even the same union as those scum from Wapping?

We are all far richer because of the contribution that Marie Colvin has made, we need more of her kind and a bit more of the editorial courage and governance that once used to be a hallmark of the Press of a true democratic society.

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